Norway is experiencing an excessive shortage in qualified healthcare professionals. The Norwegian healthcare system is under pressure with a growing and an ageing population.

Norway needs 9000 more nurses

The shortage in nurses in Norway today is approximately 9000 nurses, and estimates shows that Norway´s need for qualified healthcare professionals will be 28 000 in 2035.

As a contribution to support the healthcare system with qualified professionals, Karrierehuset like to recruit nurses to municipalities and healthcare institutions in Norway, that are in need of qualified personnel. Karrierehuset facilitate an efficient process into employment in the Norwegian healthcare system that includes:

  • Introduction in the Norwegian healthcare system
  • Preparation of contract with Norwegian employers
  • Facilitates procedures regards to work permits and authorization

About working as a nurse in Norway

In Norway, your responsibilities as a nurse will be related to the care of patients in day centres, residences, home care, hospitals. In a close environment, you will have the opportunity to develop professionally in the Norwegian Public Health System and have the best nurse/patient ratio in Europe, with an average of 17.4 nurses per thousand inhabitants.

For nursing positions within the Norwegian healthcare system, we are looking for:

  • Nurses that are speaking one of the Nordic languages
  • Nurses that is an EU citizen
  • Nurses that are looking for job opportunities in Norway
  • Students undertaking a bachelor’s degree in nursing
  • Nurses who want to settle permanently in Norway

What we offer

  • Annual salary of € 40,000 – € 50,000 gross per year
  • Working hours: 37,5 per week
  • Native speaking representative at Karrierehuset
  • Good living-conditions and short travel distanse to work

All nurses who want to work in Norway needs to first be authorized by Healthy Life Centres in Norway (Helsedirektoratet). Karrierehuset will help you with this application.

About Karrierehuset

Karrierehuset is a consultancy partner to businesses and individuals in the areas of career counselling, recruitment and leadership training. We support and guide professionals through transition to reach their career goals. With 20 years of experience in supporting thousands of individuals to successfully transition, Karrierehuset has a proven methodology combined with an in-depth knowledge of the current and future job market.

Our goal is to empower people and fuel change, providing a human touch in transitional phases. Every process is marked by quality and an individual and flexible approach. Karrierehuset is part of Career Star Group, a global alliance of the world’s leading outplacement, career transition, and executive coaching providers.

Are you interested to work as a nurse in Norway?


Espen Karsrud

Recruitment Manager
Kristin Wahl

Kristin Wahl

Partner og seniorrådgiver

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